Communicable Diseases Genomics Network

Completed Projects


RCPA QAP WGS Pilot Proficiency Testing Program

In 2019, CDGN supported the development and implementation of Australia’s first RCPA Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Whole Genome Sequencing Pilot Proficiency Testing Program, with the aim to standardise analysis and work towards laboratory accreditation in the implementation of WGS into microbiology laboratories in Australia. Further details can be found on the RCPA QAP website.

OzFoodNet National Surveillance 

The CDGN has undertaken numerous national genomic analysis on a number of key pathogens of public health importance, including: 

  • Listeria: A project to study the flow of Listeria samples around Australia between 2016-2018, with the aim of optimising the timeliness. Initial analysis of time between sample collection and receipt at MDU PHL for sequencing showed encouraging improvements in the range over the years, but that delays still existed.

  • Hepatitis A: The MDU PHL in collaboration with CDGN partners has performed genomic analysis for hepatitis A samples from across Australia to support a national OzFoodNet hepatitis A surveillance program, with identification of a number of cross-jurisdictional and international clusters. In addition, the CDGN have responded to several ad hoc requests for analysis from OzFoodNet that have involved collaboration with international health agencies.

  • Meningococcus: CDGN members continue to collate and analyse meningococcal genome data at the national level and are developing a framework for regular reporting of meningococcal genome analyses. Data sharing approaches have permitted the transfer of genome sequence data (rather than isolates) from a number of jurisdictions around the country. 

  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): A cross-jurisdictional AMR analysis (including CRE and VRE) to determine if multi-jurisdictional phylogenetic analysis of AMR isolates may assist in the identification of inter- and intra- jurisdictional transmission of AMR pathogens. 

The Network has also coordinated the genomic aspects of a multi-jurisdictional outbreak investigation in collaboration with OzFoodNet epidemiologists in response to foodborne disease outbreaks as requested.


CDGN Symposium

On 21 May 2019, CDGN hosted our first CDGN Symposium at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. This symposium welcomed esteemed international speakers including Prof Sharon Peacock and Prof Rob Knight. Plans for a second CDGN Symposium is in the works!