Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


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Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference 2022

In 2022 the Conference theme will be “Moving beyond the Pandemic

COVID19 has dominated our professional (and in many cases private) lives for almost 2 years and the conference is the opportunity to learn as much as we can from that experience and set an ambitious path to the future in preventing, preparing for and managing infectious and vaccine preventable diseases into the future.  While COVID-19 will be a dominant topic, the conference will address developments in long standing infection disease challenges, new developments in immunisation and consider where we need to head as the post COVID world re-emerges.  What are the new systems, programs, capacity, approaches or thinking we need to apply so as build to resilience for the future?

The Communicable Diseases Immunisation Conference 2022 will focus on communicable disease control issues and immunisation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations and other vulnerable groups attracting professionals engaged in infectious disease epidemiology, microbiology and control from laboratory bench, to clinic, from academia to the public policy setting. Further more engaging lively and productive discussions and contributions from all professionals engaged in immunisation from laboratory bench to clinic, from academia to the service provision coalface.

Registration and call for abstracts now open.


Hosted by: Communicable Diseases Genomics Network

Utility of genomics for COVID-19 and future applications to public health

Part 1

Date: Monday 20 June 2022

Start Time: 11:00am

Finish Time: 12:30pm


Part 2

Date: Wednesday 22 June 2022

Start Time: 11:00am

Finish Time: 12:30pm

The Communicable Diseases Genomics Network (CDGN) is an Expert Reference Panel of the Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN), established to advance public health in Australia and New Zealand through the implementation of microbial genomics to support communicable disease control activities. Currently, the CDGN is supporting implementation of genomics for public health across Australia with the Australian Government Department of Health and the Medical Research Future Fund Pathogen Genomics grant.


This symposium will occur in two parts over the conference, where the first part aims to focus on the utility and learnings from COVID-19 genomic surveillances in Australia, and the second part aims to explore the changing landscape and future of microbial genomics for public health.


The workshop will cover the following themes:

- Progress and challenges of implementation of pathogen genomics for public health throughout the COVID-19 pandemic  (Part 1)

- Contribution and value of genomic data to disease surveillance and response throughout the COVID-19 pandemic (Part 1)

- Future advancements and application of microbial genomics for other diseases of public health significance (Part2)

- Platforms and tools that support the implementation of public health microbial genomics  (Part2)

Target Audience: Public health practitioners, Communicable diseases professionals, Scientists, Microbiologists, Epidemiologists, Bioinformaticians, Infectious Disease specialists

Workshop agenda