Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


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Galaxy Training Smörgåsbord 2022

Australian BioCommons

Learn how to analyse your data and use sophisticated computational workflows without the need for programming experience.  

The Galaxy Training Network is hosting a smörgåsbord of opportunities to learn how to use Galaxy (a free, online platform for reproducible data analysis) to analyse a huge variety of data including transcriptomics, proteomics, and next generation sequencing.

Online and asynchronous (at-your-own-pace) across all international time zones. All training sessions are pre-recorded, captioned and accompanied by live support from experienced instructors from the Galaxy Training community via chat and video conferencing. You can follow all of the sessions or just pick and choose the ones you’re most interested in, with the security of live help from the Galaxy Australia and Australian BioCommons teams.

Date/Time: March 14-18, 2022 in your local timezone.

Who the workshop is for
These training sessions are suitable for researchers with no prior knowledge of Galaxy and no programming experience.

How to join

This workshop is free to join and open to everyone. Registrations are essential. 
More information and registrations