Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


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Introduction to Galaxy

Lead by Simon Gladman

Galaxy is an open, web based platform for biological research that allows people to use computational data analysis tools and workflows without the need for programming experience. It is an open source, enabling accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological and biomedical research. It also captures run information so that workflows can be saved, repeated and shared efficiently via the web. Galaxy houses an extensive, and constantly growing, library of popular bioinformatics analysis tools ready for use.

This beginners tutorial will introduce Galaxy's interface, tool use, histories and workflows. Click on these links to learn about Galaxy and available training material. The material covered in this workshop is freely available at this link.

Learning objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Work with data on Galaxy

*login to a Galaxy server

*upload data to a Galaxy server from:

*A file on your local computer

*A file on a remote datastore with an accessible URL

Use tools in Galaxy

*Searching and accessing a variety of tools via the tool menu

*Use the tool interface to run selected tools

*Viewing/accessing data output

*Building and running workflows

Prerequisites and Requirements

This workshop is suitable for Researchers with no prior knowledge of Galaxy and no programming experience.

This is a hands-on workshop and attendees must bring their own laptops (and chargers) to the workshop with the following software preinstalled:

*Access to internet via wifi

*Web browser – recently updated (Firefox or Chrome recommended