Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


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TB Genomics Seminar

Join ACTnet in learning about the role of Whole Genome Sequencing of M. tb for antimicrobial resistance prediction and transmission surveillance.

Chaired by:

Dr. Ella Meumann: Infectious Diseases physician & Microbiology trainee, Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology & Menzies School of Health Research

Prof. Justin Denholm: Medical Director; Victorian Tuberculosis Program and Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Melbourne


  • Dr. Chris Coulter, QLD MRL

  • Topic: Introduction to TB Genomics

Dr. Chris Coulter is a Microbiologist, the Chair of TB Expert Advisory Group for Tuberculosis in Queensland, and the Director of the Queensland Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory

  • Dr. Norelle Sherry

  • Topic: Implementation of TB Genomics for Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction and Public Health

Dr. Norelle Sherry is an Infectious Diseases Physician & Clinical Microbiologist, co-appointed at MDU-PHL and Austin Health, with a special interest in antimicrobial resistance (AMR). She is also a clinician-researcher, investigating the use of genomics for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in multiple different settings, and translation of genomics from the research lab into clinical use.

  • Prof Vitali Sintchenko

  • Topic: Case Studies in TB Genomics

Professor Vitali Sintchenko is a leading public health microbiologist and informatician who conducts research on biosurveillance of communicable diseases. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia and the Australian College of Health Informatics. As the Director of CIDM-Public Health (a translational research hub funded by NSW Health), he leads a public health and diagnostic microbiology team working toward improving laboratory and epidemiological investigations of communicable diseases.