Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


Webinar recording: The Future of Public Health in Asia


The Precision Public Health Asia 2021 Conference held a plenary session featuring a presentation from Prof Ben Howden, CDGN Co-Chair followed by a discussion moderated by Prof Jeremy Lim Director, Leadership Institute for Global Health Transformation (LIGHT), NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, with panellists:

Prof Ben Howden
Director, Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory, and Medical Director, Doherty Applied Microbial Genomics, Doherty Institute

Dr Andrew Trister
Deputy Director, Digital Health and Innovation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Dr Pairoj Saonuam
Director, Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Section, Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth), Thailand Association

Precision public health heralds the birth of a new era of global health, which has already halved mother-to-child HIV transmission and could see malaria, malnutrition and cancer virtually eradicated. But how do we realise its full potential and impact in Asia? With precision public health is its nascent stage, many challenges lie ahead and robust development will require leadership and collaboration between public and private sectors, academia, non-profits and multilateral organisations. Ongoing innovations, better infrastructural support, and expertise development remain imperative.

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