Communicable Diseases Genomics Network


Welcome to our website!


Hello and welcome to the CDGN website!

We are excited to share materials, information and updates on all the genomic activities being undertaken by CDGN member laboratories who are pioneering the implementation of pathogen genomics for public health across Australia and New Zealand.

Pathogen genomics has transformed the way public health microbiology is being conducted all over the world. Among Australia, countries from the United Kingdom to Singapore are now using genomics to deliver ‘precision public health’.

As a network, we aim to strengthen the capacity and capability for pathogen genomics across Australia and New Zealand, providing advice as an Expert Reference Panel under the Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN), sharing of training and educational materials and programs and development of bioinformatic tools and platforms to assist with the rapid and secure data sharing of genomic data between public health laboratories.

Visit us to learn more about what we do as a network in advocating and implementing pathogens genomics for public health.

If you’d like to reach out or have any questions, please head to the Contact Us page.

Pathogen genomics has transformed public health microbiology. Follow us on Twitter @CDGN_Australia for regular updates.

Tuyet Hoang